- The Resort has two bore holes and a natural spring which supplies the hotel, it uses as its main source of water for the hotel and which are also used for irrigation for the golf courses and pitches.
- A complex system of lakes across the 650-acre estate and a 20-acre dammed reservoir attenuates the effects of heavy rain before the water finally reaches the River Ely.
- An on-site sewage treatment plant serves both the resort and the village of Hensol.
- The Resort operates segregated waste and recycling programmes for cardboard, glass, paper and food waste.
- Waste is compacted to improve re-cycling efficiencies and reduce the number of pick up journeys.
- All garden waste is recycled on-site.
- Printed marketing (brochures, etc.) is being phased out and replaced by digital alternatives.
- Hotel amenities have been switched to an environmentally-friendly brand with biodegradable packaging.

- The Resort has recently invested £300,000 in solar panels to service its hotel and leisure operations.
- Air source heat pump technology has been used for heating and cooling the resort for the last twenty years.
- There is phased programme of replacing older lighting with more efficient LED alternatives (e.g. driving range).
- The resort has reduced its energy consumption with efficiencies from on-site provisions for: Water, Sewage & Garden waste
Supply Chain
- Local suppliers are used wherever possible to enhance the Vale’s reputation for provenance.
- Plastic bags have been replaced by sustainable paper alternative, as have all on site drinking straws in bars.
- The golf club operates an electric fleet of 50 buggies and will be replacing its existing fleet of vehicles with electrical alternatives wherever possible.
Other Initiatives
- 30,000 trees planted across the resort over three decades to offset the resort’s carbon footprint.
- The Resort is home to a number of protected species and has an active ecology management plan which seeks to enhance biodiversity on site.
- Sustainability and inclusiveness included in all new starter induction training and employee handbooks.
- The Resort is currently working towards Green Key accreditation, a leading standard for excellence in the field of environmental responsibility and sustainable operations within the tourism industry.